Happy Classes OÜ (Koolituskeskus)
Happy Classes Steam MTÜ
Happy Classes Ida-Virumaa MTÜ

Viimsi vald - Randvere 9, Haabneeme, Viimsi
info@happyclasses.ee tel. 5559 2043

Pingu's English Viimsi Summer Camps in Viimsi for kids 8-13 years old

1 week (4 days) is 178 eur (all educating activities, entertainment and
masterclasses entry fees, and lunch entry fees are included in the price!).
You will also need to buy a T-Shirt (15 eur) and a Pingu Cap (15 eur)
if your child does not have them. Uniform is obligatory.
Program is delivered in English. Program consists of English lessons,
arts, crafts, walks and hikes outdoors, time by the sea, games and
reading, cooking classes.
Every session's program will be different so please feel free to book more than 1 week.
Shifts 2025: